Pineapple preparation
Pineapples ready for sale
Fresh pineapple contains an enzyme (bromelain) which breaks down protein. Like fresh papaya, it can be used as a meat tenderizer. Caution: if adding pineapple to a meat or chicken dish, do not let it sit more than 10 minutes before serving, or it may make the meat mushy. Also fresh pineapple should not be added to cottage cheese or yogurt until just before serving, or it will digest the milk proteins. Cooking deactives the bromelain enzyme.
Pineapples are grown throughout the tropics. The top of the pineapple can be transplanted to produce a new plant. The very young fruit is bright red in color, as are the surrounding leaves
Market and storage tips Buy pineapples large and green. When they have turned about 2/3 yellow they are ready to eat. You should see a bit of sugary liquid leaking out of the sides, and the pineapple will smell sweet. The fruit must be washed thoroughly and dried before storage in a dry place. They will ripen in about one week, though this time can be extended by refrigeration.
Cooking Cut off the leaves at their base. Slice off the bottom rind. Stand the pineapple on its base and cut off the rind from the sides, slicing down the length of the fruit. Remove the eyes by making diagonal cuts around the perimeter of the fruit (see the photos at left). The fruit can then be sliced crosswise and the core cut out of each slice. Or, quarter the fruit and remove the core by cutting down the length of each quarter. Fresh pineapple should be used immediately, either eaten raw, or baked, grilled, sauteed or stir-fried.